Does Tomahawk's head remind you of anyone? Maybe a certain GoBot whose name ends in a single digit number?
I took one look at Tomahawk's Leader-1 head and then Terradive's jet mode and thought "Leader-1 Movie upgrade!" Then went on twitter and saw that even Derrick Wyatt was thinking the same thing, as I'm sure lots of random TF fans were.
So I'm thinking, it's time for me to take the head of one Robot, and put it on the body of another Robot. It's time for Head Swap!
...first you take a head and put it on another's body like if Tomahawk's head was on Terrdive's body, that's a Head swap!
Heeeaaaad Swaaaaaap....
Why the blue? If you don't recall, Leader-1's repaint was a very dark, very nice looking shade of blue,
I think it's nice to break away from all that gray every now and then. That could always be the repaint, right?
I also took away the trident. Seriously, what would Leader-1 do with a trident?