Friday, July 29, 2011

Generations Vamp

I've been ignoring the "Gobots" portion of this site for waaaay too long. I actually have a big list of GoBots from TF ideas that I've been meaning to digibash.
My favorite group within GoBots were the Renegade Mutants. Not only did they have an amazingly tense, touch-n-go relationship with Cy-Kill and the Renegades, but their designs are some of my all-time favorites.


One of the premiere bad girls of the GoBots series, Vamp led a subset of Renegades referred to as the Renegade Mutants. As the name implied, they were a little more animalistic/insectile in appearance compared to your average Renegade. What always fascinated me the most about Vamp, was the fact that she seemed perfectly content following Cy-Kill until the Master Renegade came into the picture, then all bets were off. And oddly enough, Cy-Kill seemed just as content with this arrangement. Oh sure he was upset when she'd turn on him, but after everything blew over he seemed fine having her around. A very weird dynamic that was probably a result of shoddy writing, but I loved it anyway.

Onto the digibashing...
As with any GoBot, the ideal would be a 100% new, updated version of the character, but I'm not that delusional. If we get Gobots, they're probably going to be a repaint of an existing TF, and I've come to terms with that. BUT, I'd want the perfect form for a character I love as much as Vamp, so when I initially began trying to figure out who would be the best base, I settled on Beast Machine Blackarachnia. Trying to keep in line with Hasbro's budgetary concerns, I thought she would work as a simple repaint with a remolded head. At first I was happy with this-and then Cybertron came along and introduced that delightful Noisemaze mold!

If ever there was a perfect mold for Vamp, it would be this. Considering Vamp's original form was none too feminine to begin with, this actually gives her a bit of a curvy shape without making her a waif. On top of this, the flying form is preserved, which was my biggest gripe about using Beast Machine Blackarachnia originally.

I think there is no better mold for Vamp than this.

I originally digibashed this as close to Vamp's all green color scheme as possible, but just for kicks I decided to break up the color a bit with some black.

And lest we forget about her larger scaled figure, we use Cybertron Soundwave as a base for Super Gobot Vamp! What what?!

(Credit for base toy photos goes to