I wrenched Masterpiece Grimlock from the clumsy, incompetent hands of the postal workers today, worth every second of the frustration they caused! As for Grimmy, he's worth every penny, I lucked out and got a great deal on him, but wouldn't have regretted paying full rpice for him one bit. Despite all the griping the general TF community has done over him being smaller than the previously produced Masterpiece figures, he ranks as one of the all-time best figures in my opinion. To be honest, if he had come out and stood as tall as Masterpiece Optimus, I would have been annoyed that he didn't TOWER over Optimus like he's supposed to. So with that in mind, MP Grimlock may be the runt of the MP litter, but you couldn't ask for a more accurate and better fit for your TF Classics collection.

In dino mode, not even custom Snapdragon and Skullcruncher stand a chance...

Robot mode is PERFECT when placed next to Classics Prime.

Hey you!

That right, me Grimlock talkin' to you!

Okay, so Grimlock's still not quite the king of all, but he comes pretty close.
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