Monday, July 19, 2010

Botcon Supplementals: Part One

I started working on this bunch of customs a little while before Botcon, but then got distracted with the trip itself and the subsequent laziness that followed. Now that that’s passed though, here is the first few custom bots that will be sharing the shelf with this year’s Botcon Generation 2 themed figures.

First up, Autobot High Beam.

I liked this guy, he was one of the original ‘gobots’ from G2 that could be used in the HotWheels sets. According to his bio, he’s not considered a fighter by his teammates, but has never backed down from a fight. I like that, and combined with what I think is a very striking color scheme, earned him a custom.
You can see some more pics of him over on

Decepticon Jetstorm:

Not my favorite custom, unfortunately the general layout of the original doesn’t match up well enough with the Classics Mirage mold to retain the more defined features of the character in both modes. In robot mode he’s not bad. Obviously he needs some of those original decals to full invoke the feeling of his G2 counterpart, but even without them I think he has a definite G2 Jetstorm feel.

The problem comes in vehicle mode. I don’t know if even the decals would make someone think this is Jetstorm because of how much the black covers the figure without any bright blue breaking up the layout. Oh well, looks like Jetstorm will forever be in bot mode.

Yes, *the* original G2 Fearswoop, take THAT cruddy ROTF ‘Fearswoop’ in Hooligan colors!

I like the way this guy turned out, he’s got enough wacky colors going on to really evoke that G2 feel. The downside for me on this custom was a reminder of how I need to strengthen my resculpting skills... or painting skills, maybe both. The face on this was covered up with sculpty in an attempt to recreate his original visor, and though the original sculpt didn’t look too bad, the details completely vanished once paint was applied. Rats. Still, from afar, Fearswoop makes a nice addition to the upcoming Botcon set methinks.

More to come as I prep more final pics!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Drifting thoughts

I just completed both the Decepticon and Autobot campaigns in War for Cybertron, and the whole time I’m zooming around like a madman trying to narrowly escape Trypticon’s endless barrage of missiles and fireballs, I couldn’t halp but wonder…

Wouldn’t Drift’s toy make a neat Generations version of Zeta Prime?


(Credit for base toy photo goes to